A good story for this week: We were tracting and met a guy that had a pair of RAINBOWS!!!!!! [These are sandals that are very popular in California.] I took about ten pictures of him holding them. This confirmed my opinion that Rainbows are awesome and that they last a life time. Someone donated them and they were sent through Goodwill or some such organization. They even last in Uganda!!!!
This week I don’t remember that much because we didn’t have anything unusual happen. So I will write about our investigators. But first I want to thank everyone for the awesome emails this week! I really appreciate them and I love you all!
Our focus this week was teaching about Easter—the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ hoping that those taught would come to church, partake of the sacrament and remember all that Jesus Christ has done for us. The best part of the week was the reception of our message. Everyone loved the message. We got into a lot of homes that we normally do not get into.
One of the homes we took this message to was a lady named Josephine and her family. Her husband travels to Japan about two or three times a year buying motorcycles that he distributes to the dealers throughout Uganda. After we met her, we asked if we could set an appointment to deliver the message so that we could get a member to come with us. She gladly agreed.
Her home had a great feeling and she was so grateful to see us. We taught her and her children a little about Easter and about Joseph Smith. It was a wonderful lesson. When we invited her to church, she responded, “Yes!” She also indicated that she would bring her children and that when her husband comes back that she wants us to talk to him as well. It was wonderful! I was so excited after teaching them. Her children spoke perfect English so everything we taught, they not only understood but they could comprehend the meanings of the message as well. It was amazing!! She then invited us back! Whoot! Whoot!
Now I want to write about Jimmy (He is the man that we have been teaching that is very faithful and has wanted to be baptized for some time now but needs to get married first.) Well this week he gave us good news. He has finally saved up enough money to bring his wife down from the village so that they can get married in the church and then he can be baptized. Apparently he has been calling his wife on a regular basis and sharing with her all that we have shared with him. Now she is calling him every Sunday morning and telling him to wake up and go to church. LOL! This is just awesome.
Every time we visit him, he looks at us and says, “The Madam is really feeling the Spirit of it all now!!! And she wants to come.” This is super cool because most of the time when you try to get a man and woman who have a family to marry, usually one or the other don't want it. It is very normal for couples to live together for 20 years but they still do not want to get married. I don’t understand it and it is really shocking to me. But Jimmy and his fiancĂ©e have passed this cultural hurdle and do want to get married!!!
Finally, my companion hit his one year mark this month so we went out and bought a bunch of eggs, a lot of bread and some syrup. We had an awesome breakfast together! We ate French toast like crazy! hahaah :)
Well I’m sorry for the short letter but that is all that I have for this week. Hope all is well and that you had a wonderful Easter!!!!
I sure love ya all
Elder Bitter
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